Other Approved Bodies
The HREA may approve other research ethics bodies if they are a not-for-profit body and established in conformity with the principles respecting the appointment of members to a research ethics board contained in the TCPS2.
Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research (ICEHR)
ICEHR is an ethics review committee of Memorial University. It reviews research originating at the St. John’s campus from researchers in the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering and Applied Science, and Science; the Schools of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Music, and Social Work; Institutes and Special Divisions (excluding the Health Research Unit and the Centre for Applied Health Research); and other areas of the university such as the QEII Library, Marine Institute and Student Wellness and Counselling Centre. ICEHR is the authorized ethics review committee for research conducted at the College of the North Atlantic.