To submit an application to the HREB for review, you must create a Researcher Portal account and access the online applications inside the Portal.
Please note that applications cannot be transferred between the different REBs if the incorrect application is submitted.
The HREB requires that all Principal Investigators (PIs) and their Supervisors (if applicable) must have completed the most recent version of the TCPS 2 tutorial – the CORE Tutorial. In addition, all Project Team Members who will have access to personal health information for the purpose of the research or to any personal information that may identify participants, must complete the CORE tutorial.
What is the Researcher Portal?
The Health Research Ethics Authority (HREA) has partnered with Memorial University (MUN) to create a Researcher Portal to facilitate the ethics review process for health research being conducted in this province. The Researcher Portal allows researchers submit applications electronically to the Health Research Ethics Board (HREB) and MUN’s Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research (ICEHR).
Research applications are routed to the various ethics review committees in the Researcher Portal for review. HREB members and Chairs may submit commentary on the application and to route it back to the researcher for revisions. As the application progresses through its various stages, the Principal Investigator (PI) and research team are kept apprised of approvals and changes via email and within the Researcher Portal’s work-flow log. Investigators also have the ability to see all active applications on which they are a PI or a project team member.
All post-approval activities, such as annual renewals and amendments, are required to be entered into the Researcher Portal.
Visit the Researcher Portal now!

Who can use it?
Any researcher who is conducting health research in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador can access the Researcher Portal and launch an application.
What application do I fill out ?
Please contact the Research Ethics Office (info@hrea.ca) if you require assistance in determining the appropriate research ethics board (REB) for your ethics review application. Please note, applications cannot be transferred between the different REBs if the incorrect application is selected.
What information about my past studies will be in the Researcher Portal?
For researchers who have submitted to the Human Investigations Committee (HIC) prior to July 2011 or the Health Research Ethics Board post July 2011, the following files will be available in the Researcher Portal:
- Partial records (HREB Reference #, PI, research team members, full approval letter and last ethics renewal) for all active studies approved during the period: January 1, 2013 to October 9, 2015
- Complete records for all files submitted October 9, 2015 – onward (e.g. files with HREB Reference # 2015.239 – onward)
We encourage PI’s to log into the Researcher Portal and verify the files that are shown on their homepage. If there are inaccuracies, please contact the Research Ethics Office (info@hrea.ca).
What about studies that were approved prior to 2013?
The research ethics office is continuing to transfer all approved active files into the Researcher Portal for access by the PI. If you require access to a file that is not currently in the Portal (e.g. for continuing review, ethics approval renewal, etc.) please contact the Research Ethics Office at (info@hrea.ca) to request the transfer into the online Portal. Please expect a one business day turnaround time for these requests. Once the file is uploaded into the Portal the PI will be notified and any subsequent documents can be submitted for review by the HREB inside the Researcher Portal.
Researcher Portal training
Specific dates, times, venues and how to book a training session is available on the MUN Research Grant and Contract Services website.
Instructional videos and material is available on this website for researchers who wish to navigate the Portal at their own convenience.
Researcher Portal technical support
For Researcher Portal technical support, please submit a ticket to the Help Desk.